Transporting Dangerous Goods UN3373 Biological Substances Category B

Dangerous goods classified as Category B Biological Substances (UN3373) are pathogens that present a

relatively low risk in the event of release. UN3373 Category B biological substances can be human or

animal material, including (but not limited to) blood and its components, tissues, tissue fluids or body

parts transported for purposes such as research, diagnosis, investigative activities, disease treatment or


Category B biological substances are assigned to UN3373 and declared as “Biological Substances,

Category B”. It is the responsibility of the shipper to determine the classification of any infectious


Packaging requirements for UN3373 categories

For liquid substances:

The primary container must be leakproof and must not hold more than 1 litre.

Secondary packaging must be leakproof.

If multiple fragile primary containers are placed in a secondary packaging, they must be individually packed or separated to prevent contact between them.

Absorbent material must be placed between the primary container and the secondary packaging.

The absorbent material, such as cotton wool, must be able to absorb the entire contents of the primary

container to prevent them from releasing any liquid substances. The absorbent material will protect the

remaining contents from damage and protect the integrity of the cushioning material of the outer

The primary or secondary packaging must be able to withstand an internal pressure of 95 kPa without

The outer packaging must not exceed 4 litres. This quantity does not include ice, dry ice or liquid nitrogen

used to keep the sample cold.

For solid substances:

The primary packaging must be leakproof and must not exceed the outer packaging weight limit.
The secondary packaging must be leakproof.
If multiple fragile primary packagings are placed in a secondary packaging, they must be individually packed or separated to prevent contact between them.
The weight of the outer packaging, except for packaging containing body parts, organs or whole bodies, must not exceed 4 kg. This quantity does not include ice, dry ice or liquid nitrogen used to keep the sample cold.
If there is any doubt as to whether there may be residual liquid in the primary packaging during transport, packaging suitable for liquids, including absorbent material, must be used.
A detailed list of contents must be attached between the UN3373 secondary packaging and the outer packaging.
The minimum dimensions of at least one surface of the outer packaging must be 100 mm × 100 mm.
For transport, the UN3373 mark must appear on one of the four outer sides of the outer packaging. The mark must be in the shape of a diamond with each side measuring 50 mm.


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